IT Consultants -Data Backup and Recovery Services

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For over 10 years we support all business networks in Long Island, including Active Directory, Group Policy, Exchange Servers, DNS, DHCP, SharePoint, Quickbooks, ACT, and your custom software. We Understand and Can Support Your Business Needs! We are in your neighborhood.

Computer Backup & Data Recovery

Your computer can be replaced, but not your valuable data. If you don't have a copy of your data in at least two places -Call us now.

Data Backup and Recovery:

When a Hard Drive Fail –They will fail, it’s a fact. Data loss can happen and at the worst moment! Does your Business have a solid back-up plan in place in case of an unexpected emergency? One hard drive failure alone can cause the loss of countless hours’ worth of work in an instant. It is important, especially with the recent drop in the cost of backup hardware, to maintain a regular back-up schedule of at least once a week.
LI COMPUTER REPAIR EXPERTS can help you establish a back-up routine that will meet the needs of your business. We also offer a secure Online backup via the Internet to an off-site location, which when used in combination with an on-site external backup system provides 100% fault tolerance. This will protect your data in case of a fire, flood or other natural disaster that may affect your place of business.